Welcome to Megacon rings clearly in my head. If you find yourself tapping into a conversation between Batman and Babydoll you know your there..
This weekend on Saturday March 26th 2011 marked my sixth year attending the convention. This time like every time I was engulfed in lots of fun times. There is no doubt that this place is the single most entertaining and interesting place to spend some time and really capture all the interesting things that the convention has to offer.
In one weekend we find the Mecca of all things Sci-fi, Comics, Anime, Horror, Games, and everything in between. As I strolled through the ever so crowded isles of the convention, I found myself thinking a lot about where I fit in in all this.
Good friends and fellow artist that I know were asking why I didn't have a booth. Why didn't I have a booth? The answer to that is simple, I just didn't have material ready for sale. Now lets get back to the juice! This blog is about me being a stranger in a strange land.
I wanted to go into the event with the thought of showing others a point of view that would help them understand the meat and potato of the convention, if they have never been. So I fired up the old camera and took a ton of pictures that can be seen HERE and also video that can be seen at the bottom.
Megacon is an annual event that provides all this in one place. The best way to explain the event is easy. If you are into Comics, Movies, Anime, Graphic Novels, Toys, Art, Games, Roll Playing, Dressing Up, TV Shows, Weapons, Steampunk, on and on and on then this is a place for you!
I don't want to go crazy writing a huge blog about it, so I will just end it here and let you experience the event like I did with my friends. Enjoy.