
Dolls Vol. 1 COMPLETE!

So here we are roughly two weeks from when I started the project and here are the ten images that make up Volume 1 of the 5 part series of water color illustrations titled Dolls.

The idea behind this series is that I often have heard those quirky saying like " Time heals all wounds, and Your the key to my heart ", etc. You have heard them too I am sure.

So I thought hmm... what would these sayings look like if it was applied to... say Dead Dolls / Zombie Dolls. So the images are cute and fun, creepy and rude at times. But overall fun to look at. And for Gallery display that is what I want.

I wanted to return to the horror side of artwork and so I continued working on DMNS, all while searching for representation in the ever so challenging world of the Gallery that I love so much...

I was asked if I had any illustrations that can be displayed and I replied with the deer in the headlight nooooooooo blink blink. And so that triggered the creative side of my brain that makes all this stuff. And so there you have it!

The idea of selling the originals or sell prints is still well up in the air, however things have a way of changing and so this too may change. So lastly look for these to be displayed in the near future around Orlando, Florida.

Here is the logo for the Dolls Series, I finished inking it last night. ( 3.22.11 )

Thank you all for the views here on my Blog and Facebook!

RSVP to the opening of Dolls HERE