
OLAfest and me!

Greetings to all! This past Monday I had a meeting with the creator’s of OLAfest and OLA21. We discussed the event and what I can contribute to it. The meeting went well for both parties being that we had great ideas, and the creative possibilities where exciting! Me being of simple mind really didn’t think much would come from my contribution. But Alan helped me envision the plan at a much grander scale.

For a long time I have been working in Photoshop creating these little images using filters, photography, and color gradients that produce images like many of you have seen. Since then I turned those images into the Binary Series 2010, and now I will be creating unique imagery that will be displayed in a local movie theater during the festival. So HD quality artwork and the technical aspect of this, to a computer geek like me is equivalent to handing me the keys to Willy Wonka’s Factory. My imagination has been beating the hell out of me, and so in short. I have a ton of ideas that will soon be translated into a Poster for OLA21, Postcards, Web media, and background imagery for a poetry reading and interpretive dance presentation. Along with being able to display my work in a enormous way that I thought would never be possible!

Now that the little excited child in me has been given a chance to speak, you are probably wondering what is OLAfest and OLA21? Well Orlando Local Agenda ( OLA ) it is an art movement that is working on AWAKENING a art and cultural awareness here in Orlando Florida. They are gathering artist, and filmmakers alike to make a ten-day festival that is sure to entertain and shake up the art community. And I must say I am honored to be part of it.

For more information please feel free to visit the following:

Tune in periodically for more info and updates, the site is still being constructed.

So here is a sample of the work that is going to be presented. I have been working on this image and a few others, so that we may be able to test it in the theater.