

What is Binary Series 2010?

Binary is my latest art series created in Photoshop using thousands of images
from the internet, Filters, and custom brushes to tell a tale of an Artificial Intelligent
Computer using various methods of communication to convey a message.

I have always had a deep fascination with Science and Technology, Ever since I was a child I would
dismantle things to see how they were created and how they operate. Plus I was never any good at putting
the objects that I dismantled back together, so I would study them.

And so this series is an old avenue that I wanted to explore in 1997, but now have the means to bring the
series to a multimedia level. With sites like Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter. It only made sense to create
the content in the form it was ment to be in.

The Series was originally going to be electronic parts strung together on wooden frames with wires. I created
a piece that was roughly 6' X 6' and it hung in my office for several years before I got rid of it. My wife would tell
me what are you gonna do with this thing? And it hit me like a ton of bricks, it echoed in my mind since 1997, ( WHAT ARE YOU
GONNA DO WITH THIS THING? ) And so I started to think about the message. What do I want to say? How do I want to say it?

Then the times caught up with me and the answer was clear. Just use all the technology that fits the series. I liked the idea
that I can use social networking websites to bring the series to life. And so I began to break up the poetry of the series, in the form
of " TRANSMISSIONS ". I later posted those transmission to entice the public. Many would send me email saying OK DUDE YOU NEED HELP! and
I knew then that I had struck a cord. I have noticed that people tend to connect the artist to the art. Forgetting that I am just a vessel.
And so with the feed back I was receiving I knew that the series was working. And continued to finish the series with new energy and excitement!

Binary deals with the idea of machines learning from Humans. And in turn the " AI " becoming self aware.
Through Film and Literature we have seen how wonderful and frighting this concept can be. So I wanted to play
with the idea of " AI " expressing it's self through Technology.

If Humans created an artificial life form and it is to learn from us then what would it do? That's the burning question. Many believe that
creating thinking computers is the end of Humanity, as the Terminator Theme song plays in the background. And others believe that we can program
the AI to only deal with its programing, and a set number of rules that it must follow in order to remain active. I wanted to raise the question
and let you decide what your opinion is on the subject.

What are the images, and why are they not clear?

The series was intended to be the learning process of an AI from its " ACTIVATION " and so with processors processing millions of calculations at once
the data would look jumbled up if it was displayed in the form of Pixels. Machines operate in the form of " Binary Code " and so, it is a bunch of Zero's and One's.
I wanted to find a way to actually get images from the Binary code but I never found a way to do so. And so I decided to create data that would express emotions
through images. The images are jumbled up because I wanted to create the feeling of a computer sending the images, thinking its making sense. I was watching SAW and
I got the idea that solidified my theory. Two men are tied together, one can't see and the other can't talk. And that is the same concept behind Binary. A computer
wanting to communicate but has not yet learned how.

How will the Series be displayed?

In the begining I wanted to launch a huge viral campaign that included Billboards, and TV spots that would result in a massive gathering of Artist in some Convention
Center, for a huge art festival. But as I created the series it became more and more personal. I found that a quiet display would work best. And that fans of my work view and experience my art
in their own way. For some reason people connect to it in private ways, and so in respect to my fans. I decided to create multimedia files that adhere to people's personality.
If you like reading then you can download the PDF with all the poetry and behind the scene tutorials of how I create my work. If you want to express yourself then you can buy a
shirt, etc. Also the way the series turned out it made it really cool to have the content in different forms that everyone can appreciate.

Influence and Resources

Nine inch nails play a big roll in this series, because the music always has little hidden sounds that I love! I am a fan of Trent Reznor and I feel that the music transcends into the art.
The Albums WITH TEETH, YEAR ZERO, Ghosts, and THE SLIP are all what drove the series. I am in the process of contacting Trent Reznor to see if he would be interested in working together perhaps
BINARY will become more than what it is, you never know.

Google also played a huge roll in as well. The series was created with images that were found online and then edited to create artwork. Some images became brushes and some filtered images.

Wikipedia is were I read most of the articles on Artificial Intelligence.

Facebook, Youtube and Twitter is what I used to launch the viral campaign and marketing.

and last but not least my play thing for the past few months, is Cleverbot. I have been interacting with Cleverbot and it fit perfectly with the series I recommend that you read up on that!

Actual session with clever bot:

ME/ You should Kill John Connor.

BOT/ Who is that?

ME/ The savior of the Human race

BOT/ Well then we can kill all the Humans and take over the World! Do you like Paris?