
Sis Digs Up The Past!

My little sister is blackmailing me! lol She is digging up old photos and posted this image on her Facebook account. The funnest thing ever!

My sister ROCKS!

I Went Behind The Thrills!

So my good friend Erik from Behind The Thrills wrote up an article featuring " WHAT IF " which opens the discussion of the rumored expansion of The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter at Island's Of Adventure Universal Orlando.

I helped his project by creating some concept art for the write up and it can be seen HERE

Vudu Series

Just some news to wet your appetite! Not much has been said about the 6 part graphic novel series Vudu. But there is something brewing I assure you of this!

Let's recap! Last year at VUDU - CINEMA I released a poster with four characters on it that heralds the beginning of the novel. A sneak peek if you will. The novel will be split into parts that will serve as independent stories, meaning where ever you find yourself starting you will not be lost. It is my version of Twilight Zone / Tales From The Crypt etc.

The six stories will be written by myself and none other than.... wait for it, wait for it!!!! My good friend and amazingly talented writer Will Rincon. All those stories will later be illustrated by me and released as they get done.

I will be posting more information soon, but in the meantime check out Will's Poetry page.


Horrornight Nightmares hosted an open contest for the design of their 2011 T-Shirts. I designed last years shirt and felt that I would opt out of the contest to allow others to design so that there is a sense of community within the forum. It would suit the site much better if a member of the forum designed the shirt, rather than hire me to do it. It is a neat concept that I share with the owners of the site. So I posted what I had in mind but did not enter the contest.

I felt that since they are using Glow Ink that the front of the shirt should hold the strongest graphical element and so that Scareactors ( Character actors of haunt attractions ) can easily spot the person wearing the shirt.

Website URL and tag-line would occupy the back side of the shirt as it would promote the site without having someone bother the person wearing the shirt.

I wanted something simple and that would right away reflect what the Forum is about so I went with a " Halloween / Horror " like kind of graphic and laid the name on top.


A little Punch Drunk is a up and coming PODCAST Show that needed some artwork done. The members of the show opened up a contest for their logo and I entered it.

The idea behind the logo is to make it versatile to where they can use it online the same as on products and Merch.

So I kept it simple with the thought of changing the color scheme without any difficulty by building the logo in layers using Photoshop. I also wanted to capture the shows personality in a graphic form so that people can relate to it and identify the show right away, not to mention attract new listeners.

The contest for the logo is now active and they are looking for the audience to decide who wins, so best of luck to all of us and hopefully A.L.P.D. will be happy with the outcome.

Make sure to listen to the PODCAST, and show them some love!


New Portfolio