Entertainment Designer Forum 4.23.2010
Well I don't write much here on my art blog, but decided to do so today. Last night I attended the Entertainment Designer Forum at the M.A.D.C.O.W. Theater. Interesting little place, nice atmosphere and great staff.
Last night's event was to help raise funds for the fight against Cancer, and what a great night it was for all involved. I got a chance to meet new people and some friends again.
The main speaker was Stephanie Girard who is currently battling cancer and the person that the event was for. For those who don't know she is a Freelance designer that created the Skoolhouse for Halloween Horror Nights 18.
The interesting thing is that I was building a 3D model of the Skoolhouse using Lightwave because I was inspired by her work and the work of my Mentor Ray Keim. Ray runs a great site called http://www.haunteddimensions.raykeim.com/ here he builds and post paper models of different attraction like The Haunted Mansion and Screamhouse for donations, which he started to keep himself occupied during the battle. I found out that Ray had battled Cancer too, and so I needed to attend this event and lend my support.
But like I always say everything happens for a reason, and so here I am creating a model at the same time people are putting this event together. And me not knowing that the event was for Stephanie, I just assumed that it was a relay for Cancer and a neat way to hang out and catch up with all my mentors, and friends from the industry.
So in short I am attaching links to http://www.cancer.org/docroot/par/content/PAR_1_Relay_For_Life.asp to my video of The Skoolhouse in the hopes that you all will lend your support as well.
Here are some links:
Ray Keim ( Haunted Dimensions )
American Cancer Society
Youtube Model Video