
Doodle To Art!

Well for good practice I start the day with a doodle or sketch.
A lot of the time it helps me with a few things, for one it helps
loosen up my hand and I try to keep the doodles loose enough that they
can become anything. Another thing is that when I have projects to do
it helps to get my mind in gear. It's the perfect way to avoid creative blocks.
Much like writers artist go through the same thing!

So I start off with a single layer dark it and create a second Layer in
which I start to doodle. For this I use a big 10px solid brush and lay down
some dark color usually almost black, R52 G52 B52.

Once that is done I pick a lighter color and place the brush settings at 25% Opacity
50% Flow. From there I start making shapes until something comes up.

Now by this point I have a clear vision of what I want to create, So I move froward
into thinking of Lighting. Once I figure out my Shadows, Mid tones, and Highlights, I
begin to refine areas of interest.

Once the painting in complete with the steps mentioned above I begin to work with an
OVERLAY layer and use a soft brush with BLACK and WHITE to enhance the lighting. After that
I start to play with effects.

So listed below are some samples of The Daily Doodle Exercise.